Collaboration with the new Ministry of Construction and Housing

Message regarding the Ministry of Construction and Housing – Process 7 - landscape architecture rate

Dear Members,

As part of request made to the undersigned by the chair of the organization’s landscape architects federation, to examine process 7 of the relevant Ministry of Construction and Housing rate, together with the Ministry of Construction and Housing, the organization immediately contacted Ar. Liora Seidman, head of the planning and engineering administration of the Ministry of Construction and Housing, and requested to begin a process of re-examination of this rate based on initial data attached for her information.

Following prior conversations and correspondence, Ar. Seidman consented to hold a relevant meeting, and this will likely be held during May.

It is highly important for our organization to promote this process of examination of the rate in order to modify it so that it reflects the appropriate consideration for relevant professionals.

We will continue to update as the process progresses.

Lior Bar-On, Adv.
General Manager