Bridge & Structural Engineers

About the Association

The Bridge & Structural Engineers trade union was founded in order to promote the rights of the professionals in this field. The organization includes about 200 firms that specialize in structure planning. This area is vast and diversified, and includes among other things buildings of reinforced and prestressed concrete, as well as steel, wood, mobile and industrialized building. Members also provide advice on issues concerning building, sealing, isolation and corrosion materials.
Some of the members also deal with the preparation of technical specifications, letters of quantities and tenders.
Among the members of this trade union are arbitrators and experts who provide professional opinions for the public and the courts.
Temporary chairman


Areas of expertise:
  • Reinforced and prestressed concrete buildings
  • Steel buildings
  • Wood buildings
  • Industrialized and mobile buildings
  • Residential and public buildings
  • Parking buildings
  • Underground and armored construction
  • Marine buildings, ports and piers 
  • Planning bridges, tunnels and other infrastructure buildings