Collaboration with the new Ministry of Construction and Housing

Update regarding a meeting concerning process 7 – landscape architecture

Dear Members,

As in the update you received on 18.3.14 regarding our organization’s involvement in the process mentioned above, we would like to update you that on 30.4.14 the first business meeting was held at the office of head of the planning and engineering administration of Ministry of Construction and Housing, Ar. Liora Seidman’s, following an official inquiry by our organization ( backed with data) which was sent by the organization prior to this meeting.

The meeting was participated by some of the representatives of the organization’s landscape architects federation, the representative of the organization’ consultation company (Precise) as well as the undersigned. On part of the Ministry of Construction and Housing, the meeting was participated by Ar. Liora Seidman and her relevant representatives from the planning administration.

It should be noted that the meeting was held with a positive yet topical and comprehensive atmosphere, with a pragmatic attitude given to this topic.

At the end of the meeting, it was concluded that the parties will continue to examine this process as far as required.

We will continue to update as the process progresses.

Lior Bar-On, Adv.
General Manager